Abstract Submission

Online submission of papers via the meeting website is the only valid submission method. Papers sent via e-mail and mail regardless of the system will not be accepted.

Deadline for Paper Submission; Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Deadline for Paper Submission; October 15, 2024
  • The papers to be submitted at the meeting should be capable of contributing to scientific development and should give a concluding message. The abstracts submitted via the internet will be printe
    d in the same manner, therefore, attention should be paid to typographical errors. Authors are responsible for all typographical mistakes.
  • Papers submitted for the 20th National Pediatric Emergency Medicine and Intensive Care Congress will be collected under two paper groups as "Pediatric Emergency" and "Pediatric Intensive Care" in the online submission system.
  • To submit a paper for the 16th National Pediatric Emergency Medicine and Intensive Care Nursing Congress, which will be held during the 20th National Pediatric Emergency Medicine and Intensive Care Congress, you must select the "Nursing" group in the online submission system.
  • We kindly ask you to pay attention to the Paper Group section when submitting your paper in order to prevent your paper from being evaluated in a wrong field.
  • At the first stage, we kindly ask you to indicate your preferred presentation type as poster or oral presentation. However, since a limited number of applications will be selected for oral presentation, we may have to ask you to present your paper as a poster even if you prefer oral presentation.
  • Full text entries of the papers must be entered into the system within 15 days after the acceptance date. This date will not be extended. The rules for full text preparation are given below.
  • In order to complete the congress registration process, the registration request must be notified to the congress organizer company and the registration fee must be deposited to the specified bank account number. For detailed information about registration, please see the "Registration" section of our website.
  • We kindly request the participants whose papers are accepted to complete their registration until November 15, 2024.

Important Notice: If you prefer to update your abstract sent to the Scientific Committee by the abstract submission deadline, you can contact us via our support addresses. After your request, the status of your abstract will be restored to the previous step.

Resubmission of the same abstract (updated) with a different abstract number is not appropriate due to the negativities that may occur during the evaluation phase.

Important Notes for Authors When Uploading Papers
  • Abstracts will only be accepted online via the congress website. Abstracts sent by mail or fax will not be evaluated.
  • The final decision on the presentation format (oral / poster) belongs to the scientific committee.
  • Abstract should not exceed 300 words. It should be written without errors (more than 300 words will not be accepted by the system).
  • Abbreviations should not be used in titles. Only the first letter of the abstract title should be capitalized.
  • Academic titles should not be used in author names.
  • Names should be written in lower case with only the first letter capitalized.
  • The names and addresses of the institutions where the authors work must be indicated.
  • In the abstract, the purpose of the study and the methods used should be briefly stated, the findings should be summarized with sufficient numerical detail and the conclusion should be explained within the context of the findings presented.
  • Abstracts can include 2 pictures / 2 charts.
  • Abstract should be written in the order of Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and Conclusion.
  • If abbreviations are used in the abstract, the full name of the abbreviation should be indicated in parentheses.
  • Abbreviations other than those in the international system should not be used.
  • Institutional information should not be included in the text.
  • Abstracts will be accepted and presented in Turkish.
Author Considerations When Uploading Full Text
  • The full text should be prepared in "Times New Roman font, 12 font size / 1 spacing, not exceeding 2 pages".
  • The full text of the paper should consist of abstract, introduction, method, findings, results and discussion sections and references should be specified.
  • Full Text Entry of Accepted Papers will be made through the "Online Proceedings System"; full text entries must be entered into the system within 15 days after the acceptance date.
Evaluation of Papers
  • The evaluation will be carried out by the Independent Evaluation Committee by keeping the names/surnames and institutions of the researchers confidential over the internet.
  • In order for the papers to be evaluated, at least one of the researchers must have completed the congress registration process.
  • The result of the evaluation will be sent to all paper owners as a result letter.
  • In order for the accepted poster papers to be presented during the congress, at least one of the authors must be registered for the congress. For oral presentations, the presenting author must be registered for the congress.

NOTE: All necessary explanations are available in the system. You can follow the entire evaluation process of your paper via the system with your e-mail and password.

For technical support or questions during submission:
Arkadyas Bilişim Hiz. San. ve Tic. A.Ş.
E-mail: info@arkadyas.com
You can create a support request through the online system.